
Prostachron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances for men that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal spermatogenesis as well as normal thyroid function.

Item No
Content / Quantity
Price Eur
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LHP91611 Prostachron®
120caps € 74.15
LHP91613 Prostachron®
3x120caps € 177.92

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The prostate (derived from the ancient Greek for “front man”, “protector” or “guardian “) lines the beginning of the urethra and nestles against the neck of the bladder. It consists of 30 to 50 small individual glands. These produce a secretion that is released into the urethra during ejaculation and accounts for a good two-thirds of the volume. The prostate also produces a special antigen PSA, which has established itself as a laboratory chemical marker for prostate problems.

Changes in the prostate can already become noticeable between the ages of 40 and 50. The so-called prostate gland can show both a benign enlargement and a malignant proliferation of cell tissue. This can increasingly impair both the function of the prostate and the bladder.

Two dietary cultures seem to have a beneficial effect on the prostate: The Japanese diet, which is rich in green tea, soy, vegetables and fish, and the Mediterranean diet, which, in contrast, contains large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, tomatoes, red wine, olive oil and fish. Apart from the beneficial nutrients found in foods such as these, active ingredients in more than a dozen medicinal plants, spices and herbs have been identified worldwide to favorably influence the prostate.

The following substances can help protect the prostate:

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits are considered to be the classic main suppliers of vitamin C. But many vegetables such as peppers, broccoli and cabbage are rich in vitamin C as well. It has a strong cell-protecting effect. This vitamin can also contribute to a normal function of the nervous system and the immune system. These effects, as well as direct effects of vitamin C on the prostate, can prevent progressive prostate enlargement and protect the cells from other damage.

Vitamin E can also contribute to the protection of the prostate gland, as it supports the effect of vitamin C. In addition, it can positively influence sperm quality. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin E include various oils, nuts, seeds as well as green vegetables.

Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds are rich in linoleic acid, beta-sitosterol as well as carotenoids, magnesium and selenium, which help to alleviate prostate problems. In addition, they can help maintain a normal hormonal balance. In populations that consume a lot of dried pumpkin seeds by tradition, prostate problems are found much less frequently. This is especially true in the Balkans, Asia Minor and Ukraine. Nowadays, its most valuable phytochemicals are extracted from both the seeds and their oils. In 2005, the medicinal pumpkin Cucurbita pepo was voted medicinal plant of the year.

Aspen bark: The aspen, also called quaking aspen, belongs to the poplar genus and the willow family. The valuable ingredients of aspen have a diuretic effect and can support normal prostate function. The powdered bark is usually used for this purpose.

Stinging nettle: The stinging nettle is a plant that is found all over the world. Both the above-ground and underground parts of the plant can be consumed as raw food, in dried form or as extracts. The plant parts contain sterols, polysaccharides, isolectins, triterpenes, lignans and coumarins. The plant can help improve urinary flow as well as strengthen the immune system overall.

Goldenrod: This plant genus belongs to the daisy family. Among other things, it has flavonoids, essential oils and phenolic glycosides. The ingredients of golden rue, whether as a tea preparation or extract, have a positive effect on the kidneys and urinary tract and can support the function of the prostate.

Asparagus: Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a perennial herb. Its valuable ingredients include flavonoids, saponins and aspartic acid. Asparagus has a diuretic, diuretic and blood purifying effect. The plant can promote normal kidney activity and excretion. Asparagus can be consumed in salad/or on its own as a steamed vegetable.

Astaxanthin: This substance has strong cell-protective effects and can help with an enlarged prostate. This carotenoid is mainly found in shellfish, especially shrimps, crabs and shrimps, as well as salmon and algae. At the same time, it is found in tomatoes, corn and carrots.

Saw palmetto: The positive effects of the fruits of this plant were already recognised by the Maya and the North American Seminole Indians and used to increase libido and arousal, as well as to alleviate prostate-specific problems. The oils, polysaccharides, phytosterols, flavonoids and carotenoids contained in the plant are responsible for this. Phytosterols can, for example, have a cell-protective effect and have a positive influence on the hormone balance of men, as disorders of the hormone system are often accompanied by changes in the prostate.

Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a natural, highly efficient nutrient. It was originally extracted from the skin of grapes and has been proven to have a high cell-protective potential. Cocoa, peanuts, pistachios and berries also contain this nutrient. The highest content of resveratrol, however, is found in Japanese knotweed.

Selenium: Foods such as legumes, asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, white cabbage, garlic, onions and Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. This trace element may contribute to normal spermatogenesis and promote normal prostate function.

Sitosterols: Various plant sterols can have a positive effect on urinary function and contribute to cell protection. They were first discovered in wheat germ oil and then in maize oil.

EPA, DHA: To function optimally, the body also needs omega-3 fatty acids, which act as potent antioxidants. These include above all eicosapentaenoic acid (EDP) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Thesse are found in fish such as herring, salmon and mackerel. In addition to supporting many other bodily functions, these fatty acids can also contribute to normal prostate function.

Calcium: Certain calcium-containing mineral mixtures have numerous properties. They not only supply the organism with minerals, but can also help regulate the body’s pH value.

If the absorption of these nutrients through the diet is not sufficient or there is an increased need, these nutrients can be supplemented with special dietary supplements. Some of these nutrients are better absorbed in the morning and activate the body, while others are better absorbed in the evening and support regeneration. Chronobiologically oriented products take this into account accordingly.

AM capsule (morning)
per capsule
daily dose
Vitamin C
125 mg
250 mg
Vitamin E (as D-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate)
45 mg
90 mg
Selenium (Se)
40 mcg
80 mcg
Omega 3 complex (contains EPA 36 mg, DHA 24 mg)
60 mg
120 mg
Pumpkin seed extract
100 mg
200 mg
Stinging nettle root extract
125 mg
250 mg
Goldenrod root extract
25 mg
50 mg
Asparagus root extract
50 mg
100 mg
Aspen bark powder
25 mg
50 mg
Coral Calcium®
12,5 mg
25 mg
1,25 mg
2,5 mg

Other ingredients: magnesium stearate, SiO2.

PM capsule (evening)
per capsule
daily dose
2 mg
4 mg
Pumpkin seed extract
150 mg
300 mg
Saw palmetto fruit extract
125 mg
250 mg
Sitosterols (plant sterols including beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, barssicasterol, sitostanol)
30 mg
60 mg
Omega 3 complex (contains EPA 36 mg, DHA 24 mg)
60 mg
120 mg
20 mg
40 mg
Coral Calcium®
12,5 mg
25 mg
1,25 mg
2,5 mg

Other ingredients: magnesium stearate, SiO2.

As a food supplement for prevention take 1 capsule AM (yellow) in the morning and 1 capsule PM (blue) in the evening at mealtimes with plenty of fluid.

In case of initial and advanced-stage benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) take 2 capsules AM (yellow) in the morning and 2 capsules PM (blue) in the evening at mealtimes with plenty of fluid.

Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Keep out of the reach of children. Store protected from light and dry at room temperature.
The published information is not a cure and is not intended as a request or suggestion for selfmedication.
Although some of the above statements on individual micronutrients are derived from scientific studies, they have been categorised as "not yet sufficiently proven" by official authorities such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), meaning that no positive effect can be confirmed.
The product described here has not been conclusively evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA; USA) or the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA; Europe). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Errors and typographical errors excepted.


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